What makes a successful student?
Well, it's not necessarily an age, a previous grade or a specific background. There are many factors that go into success in whatever program you choose to pursue.
An attitude sure has a lot to do with it though!
An avid interest in the course content can help you dig deep and focus on the fundamental concepts that become the framework for the rest of the program.
Knowing what you want out of the training program can be a huge motivational factor. Our students are encouraged to answer the question: Who will be impacted by you when you are part of the profession, and how?
Sometimes a commitment, to a concept of who your future clients will be, can inspire you when the days become long.
There have been many studies done predicting who will be a successful student. Few markers were predictable, but a positive can do attitude, determination, and a drive to dig deep into the material were all components!
If you have a passion for helping people, want to be in control of your future, and are ready for a challenge, we'd love to help you enter into the world of registered massage therapy.