February 4th is World Cancer Day. If you are human, you probably know or have known someone touched by Cancer. OV recognizes the need for positive touch and stress relief while dealing with cancer, through their clinical in reach program. 2nd year students assist patients or caregivers with the daily ups and downs of dealing with this disease through massage. If you know someone that would benefit from participating in our 8-10 week cancer in reach program please contact debbie@ovcmt.com for more information. One of OV’s clinical supervisors Samantha Panter RMT has written a tribute to those affected by this disease.
To all the Grandmas, Grandpas, Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and friends fighting their battle; I applaud you.
I see your strength and grit, inspiring courage and resilience. Continue to be steadfast in your strength and humanity. Cancer is attacking your body, but this only makes the spirit stronger. The human spirit truly has no limits, it transcends, conquers, and make the impossible possible. I applaud you.
To all the Grandmas, Grandpas, Moms, Dads, Sisters, Brothers, Aunts, Uncles, cousins, and friends who fought their battle; I applaud you.
Know your strength inspires and connects to everyone around you. I am in awe of your resilience; you’re heroes. I love that you fought, won, and you’re here living the life you fought so hard for. I applaud you.
Your hardships, struggles, and pain takes my breath away, brings me to tears, and makes me cheer loudly. Continue to beat the odds, and embrace the warrior you were forged into. I’m in awe of you, and I applaud you.
To the fallen warriors; thank you for giving your strength to the ones that are still fighting. There may be loss, but your story has added to research and breakthroughs. You are honoured by those that remember; your story gives courage to never give up
Thank you and I will always remember.