When shopping for a massage therapy program many students view merely the base tuition unaware that some institutions will have varying fees in addition to the base tuition that you don’t know about until you are in the process. Some will tack on an extra $2000.00+ for insurance fees or ancillary fees that you are not expecting, pushing their tuition up over the higher posted tuition of another college. Being aware of that helps you to ask the right questions and get the answers you need to make an informed decision. Choosing your program on tuition alone can be another mistake. You need to visit the college in person and talk to students and staff. We have a dedicated coordinator to answer questions and walk applicants through the application process, as well as book college tours with informed RMT staff members. Another great tool when researching programs is to sit in on classes and really get a sense of the culture of a college before making your final decision. We offer a program called “student for a day” that gets you into the college environment to help you make the right decision for you.
The application process for post secondary education can be daunting. All institutions will have some fees associated with applying, and being aware of that helps you to budget ahead of time. There are also fees charged by outside agencies such as fees to send transcripts, etc. Students often have questions about application timelines and fees, so to make it a little easier we have put together this FAQ
- What are the fees and when are they due?
- Application fee – should accompany the application form *$125.00
- Introduction to Massage Workshop - *$283.50 – at time of registration
- Online Human Science and College Preparation Course – if required or upgrading - *200.00 – at time of registration
- Textbook for HSCP course - *approximately $185.00 ( this textbook is used in year 1 as well)
- Criminal record check - $28.00 when the Ministry of Justice processes your application
- TB Test - *approximately $40.00 – due at time of the test
- Standard 1st Aid with CPR level C (not occupational) - *approximately $150.00
- Seat deposit - *$600.00 – due approximately one month after acceptance ( this goes toward your books or tuition)
- Health assessment - *varies
- Official transcripts - *approximately $10
- Tuition - *at the start of the program
- Do I need to submit all of my documentation at once?
- No, it is not necessary to submit everything at once. It is a good idea to focus on the application form, fee, essay, resume, budget and copies of transcripts. An application interview can be scheduled at that time. *conditional acceptance may be granted at that time.
- Do my referees need to mail the reference letter?
- No, they can be emailed directly to registrations@ovcmt.com
- How do I complete the student budget worksheet if I am applying for student aid and do not know the loan amount?
- Make note of it in the “Financial Resources” box. Check www.studentaidbc.ca for weekly maximum limits.
- When can I schedule an application interview and does it have to be in person?
- The interview will be scheduled when the application form, fee, essay, resume, budget and copies of transcripts have been submitted. Skype is an option as our applicants come from all over the province and country.
- *all fees/prices listed are subject to change, they are current at BLOG date